Millet with plums

Millet with plums


2 glass of millet 
2 glass of coconut milk (can be a cow) 
2 glass of water 
2 tablespoons of butter 
1/2 glass of sugar 
40 grams of plums
1 pinch of salt and cinnamon


1. Rinsed porridge pour boiling milk with water. Then add the butter, season with salt and sugar and cook for 30 minutes. 
2. Rinsed plums, cut in half (draw pits) and add the cinnamon. Pour a little water and cook until the water evaporates. 
3. The whole translate into a mold (arrange layer and a layer of plum porridge). 
4. Bake at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!